Owlchemy Labs
Owlchemy used a proprietary visual scripting language called Brains to script gameplay and narrative. By the time I left, I was the go-to designer using this system, had trained multiple people on how to use it, and had helped document all of its features.
In Cosmonious High, I was the voice of Oog, an alien, and wrote a large chunk of their dialog and recorded vocals for this song, which our audio lead wrote. I also wrote and implemented major content pieces across the rest of the game, particularly in classrooms.
Cosmonious High focused a lot on its characters, and about having small interactions between them that the player could overhear or respond to. It meant I got to write and implement moments like this, and later capture them for social media, where I edited numerous videos to be posted on TikTok. A writing sample of mine from the game’s script can also be found here.
The majority of the dialog and characters in the Vacation Simulator: Back to Job expansion were written by me. I voice several characters in the game including GigBot, and was involved in the casting and VO recording sessions, providing occasional direction and corrections to delivery as needed.
The written script for the linear portions of the game can be found here, with a sample of the infinite content at the end.
On Vacation Simulator proper, I wrote a lot of dialog for SuntanBot, a character I voiced, and wrote assorted sketches for the in-game TV and radio, as well as writing the phone conversation tree.
The in-game TV had generally pretty limited content, but I was asked to write something simple and low-scope for it, so I came up with a quick sitcom parody. Originally I wrote two acts, but only the first one made it in.
The radio was easier to build content for since it only required writing, recording, and audio editing. The phone tree has several little easter eggs, and can be used to order room service, which arrives in the elevator.
SuntanBot is the local beach curmudgeon. They give you a simple request to pour coolant on them to protect them from the sun, and from then on will only ask you to leave.