Pigeon Simulator

I was the Narrative Director on Pigeon Simulator. During that time, I helped guide the team through several pivots, wrote a good chunk of documentation, and helped devise the overall game direction and strategy alongside the other leads. Below is a video I wrote with help from our technical director, Madison Belka, and voiced + edited in 3 days.

Below are some work examples:

  • FlamingoFranzMiddle” AKA The Rebirth of Flamingo Franz — this is a StoryMod/Quest from the midsection of the plot, showing my use of our YarnSpinner-based markup language.
  • The “Lore Bible and Narrative Outline” was the source of truth for the project at this point in development, and linked to other documents about specific areas in the game. It was condensed from over 100 pages of narrative ideation.
  • Our Style Guide was a complement to the above, as we intended to pull people into writer’s rooms as the game got further in development.
  • The Dave Handoff” came from my writing partner and I both going out of town for a period and had no overlap. I tracked tasks while he was out to ensure he had everything he needed when he returned.
  • The HakJak Guide to Cutscenes” is a document I wrote and maintained. I worked with members of engineering and audio to flesh it out.
  • Similarly, “Direct Placement for StoryMods” was a document detailing our process for how to set up areas in-engine for use with our StoryMod system as we moved away from procedural generation.
  • Pivot Narrative Final” was the last major bit of writing I did, consisting of the updated story for a more sandbox-focused version of Pigeon Simulator.
  • Buildings 102” is a design document, detailing our new approach to modular buildings.

I also created cutscenes for some of these by working with animation, engineering and audio. Below are some that were in the second pass phase.

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